
Aged Care Advice

When it comes time to start considering aged care facilities, a myriad of challenges are faced by both the person entering the home, and their loved ones. Emotionally, the person entering the home may feel like they are losing their independence, resent having to need additional care and be worried about becoming forgotten and cut off from family and friends.

For the family, the decision to look at aged care facilities can cause feelings of guilt and stress, as it is a very emotionally charged decision to make.

Out of the turmoil, financial questions arise. Should we keep the family home? How much can we afford to pay? How much support will Centrelink provide?

Of course, every family wants to be able to afford the best possible facility for their loved one. However, the answers to these questions are often needed in short time frames because of a sudden decline in a loved one’s health and this can lead to less than ideal outcomes and family stress and strain.

We are up to date with all the latest Aged Care rules, regulations and legislation. The recent changes to the legislation have given rise to many new terms and acronyms and definitions. It can be confronting and confusing without the proper advice.

Given these challenges, it is vital to seek advice regarding the options available to you and your family at this time and to ensure that decision making is made with the sole objective of getting the best care, medical facilities and smoothest transition for your family.

Goal Financial Services